Ar·ti·fact: /ˈär də fakt/ an object made by a human being; typically an item of cultural or historical interest.

Students of Dan Polland and Debbie Cook at Palmetto Elementary School in Florida, USA meet virtually with Elaine Lee and her students at Torphichen Primary School in Scotland.
Thanks to a generous generous grant from the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation, participating teachers receive, free of charge, all the materials and resources they need to carry out this creative project. Plus, they receive access to a members-only resource site and a private Facebook group where they share best practices, ask questions, and interact with other teachers and with us here at Blue Planet.
In addition to learning from Blue Planet Global Education professionals, teachers also get to access professional development on curation, material culture, exhibit labeling, and digital museums from Florida Atlantic University history professors Dr. Sandra Norman and Dr. Candace Cunningham.
At the end of the project, students get to see their work exhibited online in a global, digital museum that can be shared with other classrooms, parents, and the community.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How will my students benefit?
Meeting kids around the world is exciting and makes learning fun! In addition, your students will learn how to communicate and collaborate across cultures. They’ll learn how others live, work, and play, and gain empathy as they discover all they have in common with their global partners. They’ll also learn to celebrate the rich diversity our world has to offer.
2. I’m busy! Is this a lot of work?
In this project, you work at your own pace. You’ll receive a guide, a planner, lessons, and how-to videos to make sure you feel excited and confident. In addition, you’ll have access to one-on-one virtual coaching to ensure that you and your students have an excellent learning experience.
3. I don’t speak any other languages. Is this a problem?
Not at all. The exchanges are conducted in English. If you DO speak another language (Yay, you!), we’ll do our best to give you the opportunity to use it during your exchange.
4. Why is this free of charge?
It isn’t. It’s free to participating teachers thanks to generous grants from the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation and the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County, Florida. Their funding allows us to offer the program to a limited group of educators free of charge.
5. Other questions? Contact us at
From our Spring 2021 pilot program teachers:
I think it’s a great way to get students to think more globally and have some personal connection to the outside world. They’re learning, creating, and having fun.
-Ashley Monastra, G-Star School of the Arts, USA
They were very engaged and excited to learn about children from across the globe! It motivated them to find out more about the host country and share their learning. They were also proud to share information about their own culture.
-Elaine Lee, Torphichen Primary School, Scotland